Ichnotropis bivittata   BOCAGE, 1866

Ichnotropis bivittata   BOCAGE, 1866

Ordnen nach:  
  • Baptista, N. & António, T. & Branch, W.R. (2019) -  The herpetofauna of Bicuar National Park and surroundings, southwestern Angola: a preliminary checklist. -  Amphibian & Reptile Conservation, 13 (2): 96-130.    

  • Bauer, A.M. & Günther, R. (1995) -  An annotated type catalogue of the lacertids (Reptilia: Lacertidae) in the Zoological Museum, Berlin. -  Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin, 71: 37-62.    

  • Bedriaga, J. von (1886) -  Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Lacertiden-Familie. (Lacerta, Algiroides, Tropidosaura, Zerzumia und Bettaia). -  Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, 14: 17-443.    

  • Berg, M.P. van den (2017) -  An annotated bibliographic history of Ichnotropis PETERS, 1854 (Reptilia, Lacertidae) with remarks on the validity of some of the including species. -  L@CERTIDAE, 2017 [4]: 60-138.    

  • Berg, M.P. van den (2020) -  Could this be the first live image of Ichnotropis microlepidota? -  L@CERTIDAE (Eidechsen Online), 2020 [2]: 14-18.    

  • Bettencourt-Ferreira, J. (1903) -  Reptis de Angola da região norte do Quanza da collecção Pereira de Nascimento (1902). -  Jornal de Sciencias Mathematicas, Physicas e Naturaes, Segunda Série, VI (21): 129-137.  

  • Bocage, J.V.B. du (1866) -  Lista dos reptis das possessões portuguezas d`Africa occidental que existem no Museu de Lisboa. -  Jornal de Sciencias Mathematicas, Physicas e Naturaes, Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa, I (1): 37-56.  

  • Boulenger, G.A. (1887) -  Catalogue of the lizards in the British Museum (Natural History). Vol. III. Lacertidae. -  London, 1887: I-XII + 1-118.    

  • Boulenger, G.A. (1921) -  Monograph of the Lacertidae. Vol. II. -  British Museum (Natural History). Department of Zoology. London. 451 pp.  

  • Branch, B. (2018) -  Auf Reptiliensuche in der angolanischen Okavango-Wildnis. -  Sauria, Berlin, 40 (1): 25-57    

  • Branch, W.R. & Vaz Pinto, P. & Baptista, N. & Conradie, W. (2019) -  The Reptiles of Angola: History, Diversity, Endemism and Hotspots. -  In: Huntley B., Russo V., Lages F., Ferrand N. (eds.) Biodiversity of Angola: 283-334.    

  • Broadley, D.G. (1967) -  A new species of Ichnotropis (Sauria: Lacertidae) from the Botswana-Caprivi border. -  Arnoldia - National Museums of Southern Rhodesia, Harare, Zimbabwe, 3 (24): 1-5.  

  • Broadley, D.G. (1971) -  Distribution of Ichnotropis in Zambia. -  The Reptiles and Amphibians of Zambia. The Puku: 1-143.  

  • Broadley, D.G. (1991) -  The herpetofauna of northern Mwinilunga District, northwestern Zambia. -  Arnoldia - National Museums of Southern Rhodesia, 9 (37): 519-538.    

  • Broadley, D.G. & Cotterill, F.P.D. (2004) -  The reptiles of southeast Katanga, an overlooked `hot spot`. -  African Journal of Herpetology, Johannesburg, South Africa, 53 (1): 35-61.    

  • Broadley, D.G. & Howell, K.M. (1991) -  A check List of the reptiles of Tanzania with synoptic keys. -  Syntarsus, 1. 70 pp.  

  • Butler, B.O. & Ceríaco, L.M.P. & Marquez, M.P. & Bandeira, S. & Júlio, T. & Heinicke, M.P. & Bauer, A.M. (2019) -  Herpetological Survey of Huíla Province, Southwest Angola, Including First Records from Bicuar National Park. -  Herpetological Review, 50 (2), 225–240.  

  • Butler, B.O. & Ceríaco, L.M.P. & Marquez, M.P. & Bandeira, S. & Júlio, T. & Heinicke, M.P. & Bauer, A.M. (2019) -  Herpetological Survey of Huíla Province, Southwest Angola, Including First Records from Bicuar National Park. -  Herpetological Review, 50 (2), 225–240.  

  • Ceríaco, L.M.P. & Blackburn, D.C. & Marques, M.P. & Calado, F.M. (2014) -  Catalogue of the amphibian and reptile type specimens of the Museu de História Natural da Universidade do Porto in Portugal, with some comments on problematic taxa. -  Alytes, 31: 13-36.    

  • Ceriaco, L.M.P. & Marques, M.P. & André, I. & Afonso, E. & Blackburn, D.C. & Bauer, A.M. (2020) -  Illustrated type catalogue of the “Lost” herpetological collections of Museu Dodundo, Angola. -  Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 162 (7): 379–440.     

  • Ceríaco, L.M.P. & Marques, M.P. & Bandeira, S. & Blackburn, D.C. & Bauer, A.M. (2018) -  Herpetological Survey of Cangandala National Park, with a Synoptic List of the Amphibians and Reptiles of Malanje Province, Central Angola. -  Herpetological Review, 49 (3), 408-431.  

  • Ceríaco, L.M.P. & Pimentel Marques, M. & Bandeira, S. (2016) -  Anfíbios e Répteis do Parque Nacional da Cangandala. -  Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência / Instituto Nacional da Biodiversidade e Áreas de Conservação, Editor: Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência, ISBN: 978-972-98196-8-1. 100 pp.  

  • Conradie, W. & Bills, R. & Branch, W.R. (2016) -  The herpetofauna of the Cubango, Cuito, and lower Cuando river catchments of south-eastern Angola. -  Amphibian and Reptile Conservation, 10 (2): 6-36.    

  • Edwards, S. (2013) -  Patterns and processes of adaptation in lacertid lizards to environments in southern Africa.  -  Dissertation presented for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Zoology) in the Faculty of Science at Stellenbosch University, 2013. 186 S.     

  • Edwards, S. & Branch, W.R. & Vanhooydonck, B. & Herrel, A. & Measey, G.J. & Tolley, K.A. (2013) -  Taxonomic adjustments in the systematics of the southern African lacertid lizards (Sauria: Lacertidae) -  Zootaxa, 3669 (2): 101–114.    

  • Fitch, H.S. (1970) -  Lacertidae. -  Reproductive Cycles of Lizards and Snakes. Miscellaneous Publications of University of Kansas, 52: 102-107.  

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  • Ineich, I. & Le Garff, B. (2015) -  A new lizard species for Gabon, Ichnotropis bivittata Bocage, 1866 (Squamata, Lacertidae). -  Herpetology Notes, 8: 471-478.    

  • Laurent, R.F. (1950) -  Reptiles et Batraciens de la region de Dundo (Angola du Nord-Est). -  Companhia de Diamantes de Angola (Diamang), Serviços Culturais, Museu do Dundo (Angola), 10: 7-17.  

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  • Marques, M.P. & Ceríaco, L.M.P. & Blackburn, D.C. & Bauer, A.M. (2018) -  Diversity and distribution of the amphibians and terrestrial reptiles of Angola: Atlas of historical and bibliographic records (1840-2017). -  Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, Series 4, 65, Supplement II: 1-501.    

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  • Mayer, W. (2013) -  Kommentierte Lacertiden-Liste für Europa, Afrika, den Nahen Osten inklusive der Arabischen Halbinsel und Asien -  L@CERTIDAE, 2013 [7]: 81-141.    

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  • Pauwels, O.S.G. & Morelle, S. & Albert, J.-L. & Carlino, P. & Rahola, N. & Trape, J.-F. (2019) -  New reptile records from Lékédi Park and Haut-Ogooué Province, southeastern Gabon. -  Amphibian & Reptile Conservation, 13 (1) [General Section]: 143–161 (e174).    

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