Lo Cascio, P. & Sciberras, A. (2020) - “Cold-blooded” travellers around Sicily: How introductions and extinctions have shake the recent herpetofauna of Circum-Sicilian and Maltese Islands. - In: La Mantia T., Badalamenti, E., Carapezza, A., Lo Cascio, P. & A. Troia (Eds.): Life on islands. 1. Biodiversity in Sicily and surrounding islands. Studies dedicated to Bruno Massa. Edizioni Danaus, Palermo. pp. 355-390.  ×Circum‐Sicilian and Maltese herpetofauna includes 22 species occurring with steady populations, andsome of them (Pelophylax bedriagae, Trachemys scripta, Chamaeleo chamaeleon, Hemorrhois algirus and perhapsTelescopus fallax) were introduced during the last two centuries, while for other 7 at least one introduction withinthe study islands was documented during the same span of time; furthermore, temporary occurrences were alsodetected for other 16 species (3 amphibians and 13 reptiles), some of which (Hyla sp., Graptemys pseudogeo‐graphica, Centrochelys sulcata, Pantherophis guttatus and Lampropeltis getula) have not been previously recordedfor these islands. Accidental or intentional introductions have gradually increased in recent decades and have asignificant influence in shaping these herpetofunal assemblages. On the contrary, extinction seems to be less fre‐quent and involved especially amphibians. The updated faunal inventory for 65 islands includes several new recordsand the results of the first herpetological investigations on the islets Faraglione di terra di Cala Fico, Colombaia,Vittoria Garcia (circum‐Sicilian), Pigeon Rock and Cheirolopus Rock (Maltese). Sciberras, A. & Sciberras, J. (2024) - Updates on the natural history of Cheirolophus Rock (Maltese Archipelago) with a description of its lacertid. - L@CERTIDAE (Eidechsen Online), 2024 [2]: 9-16.  ×The islet’s recent discovery by the authors hold quite a rich biota compared to its size. In this work topography is re- described adding one species of flora to the already known six (SCIBERRAS & SCIBERRAS 2010, SCIBERRAS et al. 2012) and 32 new species of fauna to the two recorded (LO CASCIO & SCIBERRAS 2020, AGUIS & SCIBERRAS 2022) with a complete description of the endemic lacertid, Podarcis filfolensis, in situ.