| Type locality: Turkey, Artvin Province, 6 km to the southwest Arhavi, rocky exits along the automobile route, 41°19 ́15 ́ ́N 41°14 ́41 ́ ́E. |
Böhme, W. & Budak, A. (1977) - Über die rudis-Gruppe des Lacerta saxicola-Komplexes in der Türkei, II. - Salamandra, Frankfurt/Main, 13 (3/4): 141-149.  ×1. Reinvestigation of the syntypes of Lacerta rudis BEDRIAGA 1886 (=nomen novum pro Lacerta depressa CAMERANO 1878, cf. BuDAK & BöHME 1977) and the comparison with a topotypical series show, that only one form is involved. As lectotype for the species, thus for the nominate form, too, the cf` specimen MIZS (Torino) 2737:1 is designated.
2. The populations of NE-Anatolia and Transcaucasia, so far misinterpreted as being the nominate form, represent a distinct form and are described as Lacerta rudis bischoffi n. subsp. Ryabinina, N.L. & Bannikova, A.A. & Kosushkin , S.A. & Ciobanu, D.G. & Milto, D.A. & Tuniyev, B.S. Orlova, V.F. & Grechko, V.V. & Darevsky, I.S. (2002) - Estimation of the subspecies level of differentiation in Caucasian lizards of the genus Darevskia (syn. Lacerta saxicola complex, Lacertidae, Sauria) using genome DNA markers. - Russian Journal of Herpetology, Moscow, 9 (3): 185–194.  ×The taxonomic categories such as population and subspecies were studied on the example of three Caucasian lizard species of genus Darevskia - D. praticola, D. derjugini, and D. rudis by comparing the morphological data and results inferred from nuclear DNA markers. RAPD and new inter-MIR-PCR (IM-PCR) methods were used. The IM-PCR was used to characterize the lacertid DNA fragments located between dispersed SINE type repeats which occurred to be ortologous to mammalian repeats of the same type. It was shown that separation of the Northern population of D. derjugini (subspecies silvatica) is supported by the comparison with two Southern populations (derjugini and barani). The latter ones, in their turn, are very similar and hardly can be considered as good subspecies by the genetic distance. The subspecific division of D. praticola (praticola and pontica) also requires more specification. For example, several populations from North Caucasus (ssp. praticola) occurred to be heterogeneous. The level of differences between ssp. praticola and pontica is of the same order as in some of the praticola populations. Low level of molecular differences between two subspecies of D. rudis (obscura and bischoffi) does not confirm their validity as a full subspecies. Bischoff, W. (2003) - Die Eidechsenfauna Georgiens. Teil II. Die Gattung Darevskia. - Die Eidechse, Bonn, 14 (3): 65-93.  ×In Georgia, 16 species of rock lizards of the Genus Darevskia are occuring (D. alpina, D.
„armeniaca`, D. brauneri, D. caucasica, D. clarkorum, D. daghestanica, D. „dahli`, D.
derjugini, D. mixta, D. nairensis, D. parvula, D. portschinskii, D. praticola, D. rudis, D.
„unisexualis` and D. Valentini). Besides short presentations of the single species and hints on their distribution and habitats, also some systematic remarks are given.