Republik Südafrika / Zentrale und östliche Kapprovinz. 


Nucras livida  (SMITH, 1838)


Lacerta livida  SMITH, 1838

Lacerta elegans  SMITH, 1838

Nucras tessellata var. livida  BOULENGER, 1910

Nucras livida  BRANCH & BAUER, 1995


Karoo Sandveld Lizard (Englisch)


Holotype: BMNH ?

Terra Typica:

`Northern parts of the Cape Colony`.

Relevante taxonomische Literatur:

  • Smith, A. (1838) -  Description of Nucras livida.  -  In: “Contributions to the Natural History of Southern Africa”. Magazine of natural history, London, 2 (14): 92-93.   

  • Conradie, W. (2020) -  Does Nucras livida (Squamata: Lacertidae) occur along the West Coast of South Africa? A review of historical and recently collected material -  Herpetology Notes, volume 13: 19-24 (2020)  


Nucras livida  © 2018 Cliff & Suretha Dorse