Nord-ost Somalia. 


Latastia taylori  PARKER, 1942


Taylor’s Longtail Lizard (Englisch)


Holotype: BMNH 1946.9.2.91 (1931.7.20.337), 1946.9.4.90-91 (1931.7.20.335-6), 1946.9.4.89 (1931.7.20.338), 1946.9.4.95 (1931.7.20.339), 1946.9.2.89-90 (1931.7.20.340-42)

Terra Typica:

Buran Tal [= Buraan] ca. 762 m NN, Nordost-Somalia.

Relevante taxonomische Literatur:

  • Parker, H.W. (1942) -  Description of Latastia taylori. -  In: “The lizards of British Somaliland”. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, 91: 1-101.  


Latastia taylori  © 2024 Tomáš Mazuch