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of the real lizards, family Lacertidae
(Select a country below for a different checklist)
(Click on a country on the map for a different checklist)
Podarcis muralis maculiventris
(WERNER, 1891)
Introduced in central and southern England and the Isle of Wight.
Source: Williams, R. & Dunn, A. & Mendes da Costa, L. & Hassall, C. (2020) - Climate and habitat configuration limit range expansion andpatterns of dispersal in a non-native lizard. - Authorea, 2020. DOI: 10.22541/au.159136829.95244358
Austria, Canada, Croatia, Germany, Italy, San Marino, Slovenia, United Kingdom, USA
Podarcis muralis maculiventris: 97 references
Podarcis muralis maculiventris © 2006 Steve Langham