Acanthodactylus erythrurus   (SCHINZ, 1833)

Acanthodactylus erythrurus   (SCHINZ, 1833)

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  • Abreu Arvela, C. de (2020) -  O uso por lacertídeos deelementosbiofísicosda paisagem demontado. -  Dissertação Universidade de Évora-Escola de Ciências e Tecnologia, Mestrado em Biologia da Conservação. 64 pp.     

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  • Albornà, P.-X. & Mateos, X. & Carretero, M.A. (2004) -  Depredación ocasional de juveniles de Acanthodactylus erythrurus por adultos de Psammodromus algirus. -  Boletin de la Asociación Herpetológica Española, 15 (1): 33-34.  

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  • Arnold, E.N. (1983) -  Osteology, genitalia and the relationships of Acanthodactylus (Reptilia: Lacerrtidae). -  Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Zoology, 44 (5): 291-339.  

  • Arnold, E.N. (1984) -  Evolutionary aspects of tail shedding in lizards and their relatives. -  Journal of Natural History, 18: 127-169.     

  • Arnold, E.N. (1987) -  Resource partition among lacertid lizards in southern Europe. -  Journal of Zoology, London, (B) 1 (4): 739-782.    

  • Arnold, E.N. (2002) -  History and function of scale microornamentation in lacertid lizards. -  Journal of Morphology, 252 (2): 145-169.    

  • Astudillo, G. & Garcia-Paris, M. & Prieto, J. & Rubio, J.L. (1993) -  Primeros datos sobre la distribución de anfibios y reptiles en la provincia de Guadalajara (Catsilla – La Mancha, España). -  Revista Española de Herpetología, 7: 75-87.  

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  • Bank, J., Kruyntjens, B. & P. Paulissen (1982) -  Herpetologische waarnemingen in Portugal. -  Lacerta, 40 (6): 108-111.    

  • Barbadillo, L.J. & Castilla, A.M. & Borreguero, F. (1987) -  Reproduction of Acanthodactylus erythrurus (Reptilia, Lacertidae) in central Spain. A preliminary study. -  In: Gelder J.J. van, H. Strijbosch & P.J.M. Bergers (eds.): Proceedings of the 4th Ordinary General Meeting of the Societas Europaea Herpetologica, Nijmegen. 33-35.    

  • Barbadillo, L.J. & Lacomba, J.I. & Pérez-Mellado, V. & Sancho, V. & López-Jurado, L.F. (1999) -  Lagartija colirroja Acanthodactylus erythrurus (SCHINZ, 1833). -  In: Barbadillo, L.J., Lacomba, J.I., Pérez-Mellado, V., Sancho, V. & L.F. López-Jurado (eds.): Anfibios y Reptiles de la Península Ibérica, Baleares y Canarias. pp. 241-243.  

  • Barnestein, J.A.M. & González De La Vega, J.P. & Jaén-Velázquez, I. & Román-Requena, F. (2011) -  La herpetofauna de los afloramientos peridotíticos de Sierra Bermeja y su entorno (Málaga, Andalucía). -  Boletin de la Asociación Herpetológica Española, 22: 99-104.  

  • Bauwens, D. & Garland, T. & Castilla, A.M. & Van Damme, R. (1995) -  Evolution of sprint speed in lacertid lizards: morphological, physiological, and behavioural covariation. -  Evolution, 49 (5): 848-863.    

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  • Belliure, J. (1997) -  La conducta de termorregulación y de obtención de alimento en un lacértido mediterráneo (Acanthodactylus erythrurus): Identificación de factores que modulan su espresión. -  Tesis Doctorals en Microfixta. Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat de Valéncia, Valéncia.  

  • Belliure, J. (2004) -  The effect of heat transmission mode on heating rates in two Mediterranean lizard species. -  In: Pérez-Mellado, V., Riera, N. & A. Perera (eds.): The Biology of Lacertid Lizards. Evolutionary and Ecological Perspectives. Institut Menorqui d´Estudis. Recerca, 8: 165-176.  

  • Belliure, J. (2007) -  La lagartija colirroja. -  Ecosistemas, 16 (1): 112-118.    

  • Belliure, J. (2009) -  Lagartija colirroja – Acanthodactylus erythrurus (Schinz, 1833) -  En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Españoles. Salvador, A., Marco, A. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid.  

  • Belliure, J. & Carrascal, L.M. (2001) -  Influence of heat transmission mode on heating rates and on the selection of basking patches in a mediterranean lizard. -  In: Pérez-Mellado, V. (ed.): Abstracts of the 4th International Symposium on the Lacertids of the Mediterranean Basin, 7-11 May 2001, Mahon, Menorca, Spain: 19.  

  • Belliure, J. & Carrascal, L.M. (2002) -  Influence of heat transmission mode on heating rates and on the selection of patches for heating in a mediterranean lizard. -  Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 75 (4): 369-376.     

  • Belliure, J. & Carrascal, L.M. & Diaz, J.A. (1996) -  Covariation of thermal biology and foraging mode in two Mediterranean lacertid lizards. -  Ecology, 77: 1163-1173.    

  • Belliure, J. & Cuervo, J.J. & Fresnillo, B. (2010) -  Males prefer adult females with juvenile traits in the spiny-fopted lizard, Acanthodactylus erythrurus. -  Abstracts of the 7th International Symposium on the Lacertids of the Mediterranean Basin, 06-09 September 2010, Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain: ?.    

  • Belliure, J. & Fresnillo, B. & Cuervo, J.J. (2014) -  Red tails are effective decoys for avian predators. Poster. -  Abstracts XIII Iberian Congress of Herpetology, Aveiro, Portugal: 123.  

  • Belliure, J. & Fresnillo, B. & Cuervo, J.J. (2018) -  Male mate choice based on female coloration in a lizard: the role of a juvenile trait.  -  Behavioral Ecology, 29 (3): 543-552 .    

  • Belliure, J. & Smith, L. & Sorci, G. (2004) -  Effect of testosterone on T cell-mediated immunity in two species of mediterranean lacertid lizards. -  Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Comparative Experimental Biology, 301 (5): 411-418.  

  • Benelkadi, H.A. & Mammeri, A. & Amroun, M. (2021) -  Biogeography, inventory and new data on reptiles of M’sila region, Algeria. -  Zoology and Ecology, 31(2): 86-97.     

  • Bettencourt Ferreira, J. (1892) -  Sobre o Acanthodactylus de Portugal. -  Jornal de sciencias mathematicas, physicas e naturaes / Academia das Sciências de Lisbõa, 2 (2): 188-194.  

  • Bettencourt Ferreira, J. (1892) -  Sobre o Acanthodactylus de Portugal. -  Jornal de Sciencias Mathematicas, Physicas e Naturaes, Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa, 2 (2): 188-194.  

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  • Bischoff, W. (1995) -  Übersicht der Arten und Unterarten der Familie Lacertidae. 3. Nachtrag. -  Die Eidechse, Bonn/Bremen, 6 (16): 15-20.    

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  • Blasco, M. (1975) -  Dimorfismo sexual en una población de Acanthodactylus erythrurus procedente del litoral arenoso de Málaga. -  Cuadernos de Ciencias Biológicas, 4 (1): 5-10.  

  • Blasco, M. (1975) -  El dimorfismo sexual en cinco especies de la familia Lacertidae (Reptilia). -  Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural, 73: 237-242.  

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  • Bons, J. (1959) -  Acanthodactylus erythrurus belli Gray 1845 «Acanthodactyle de Bell». -  In: Les Lacertiliens du sud-ouest Marocain. – Trav. Inst. Sci. Chérifien (Zool.), 18: 67-68.   

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  • Carpio, a.J. & Figueruas, M. & F.S. Tortosa (2017) -  Walkway on coastal dunes negatively affects mobility of the spiny–footed lizard (Acanthodactylus erythrurus). -  Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 40.2: 159-164.    

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  • Carretero, M.A. (2004) -  From set menu to a la carte. Linking issues in trophic ecology of Mediterranean lacertids. -  Italian Journal of Zoology, Supplement 2: 121-133.    

  • Carretero, M.A. (2006) -  Reproductive cycles in Mediterranean lacertids: plasticity and constraints. -  In: Corti, C., Lo Cascio, P. & M. Biaggini (eds.): Mainland and insular lacertid lizards: a mediterranean perspective. 33-54.     

  • Carretero, M.A. (2008) -  Acanthodactylus erythrurus (Schinz [1834]). -  In: Loureiro, A., Ferrand, N., Carretero, M.A. & O. Paulo (eds.): Atlas dos Anfibios e Répteis de Portugal. Instituto da Conservação da Naturaleza e da Biodiversidade. Lisboa. 142-143.   

  • Carretero, M.A. (2010) -  Acanthodactylus erythrurus (Schinz [1834]). -  In: Loureiro, A., Ferrand, N., Carretero, M.A. & O. Paulo (Coord.): Atlas dos Anfibios e Répteis de Portugal. Esfera do Caos Editoreds. Lisboa. 138-139.  

  • Carretero, M.A. & Albornà, P.X. & Llorente, G.A. (2007) -  A seven-years’ monitoring of an isolated population of the lizard Acanthodactylus erythrurus in NE Iberia. -  14th European Congress of Herpetology, Oporto (Portugal), 19-23 September 2007. p. 56.  

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  • Carretero, M.A. & Llorente, G.A. (1993) -  Morfometria de Psammodromus algirus i. Acanthodactylus erythrurus al Delta de l’Ebre. -  Butlleti de la Parc Natural Delta de l’Ebre, 8: 19-26.    

  • Carretero, M.A. & Llorente, G.A. (1995) -  Reproduction of Acanthodactylus erythrurus in ist northern boundary. -  Russian Journal of Herpetology, Moscow, 2 (1): 10-17.    

  • Carretero, M.A. & Llorente, G.A. (1995) -  Thermal and temporal patterns of two Mediterranean Lacertidae. -  In: Llorente, G.A., A. Montori, X. Santos & M.A. Carretero (eds.): Scientia Herpetologica. Barcelona. 213-223.     

  • Carretero, M.A. & Llorente, G.A. (1997) -  Habitat preference of two sympatric lacertids in the Ebro Delta (NE Spain). -  In: Böhme, W., W. Bischoff & T. Ziegler (eds.): Herpetologia Bonnensis, 1997: 51-62.    

  • Carretero, M.A. & Llorente, G.A. (1998) -  Seasonal variation of niche overlap in a lacertid community. -  In: Janev, B., Grbac, I., Lupret-Obradović & B. Lazar (eds.): Abstracts of the 3rd International Symposium on the Lacertids of the Mediterranean Basin, 25-29 May 1998, Cres, Croatia: 35.  

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  • Castilla, A.M. & Van Damme, R. & Bauwens, D. (1999) -  Field body temperatures, mechanisms of thermoregulation and evolution of thermal characteristics in lacertid lizards. -  Natura Croatica, Zagreb, 8 (3): 253-274.    

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